Have Words–Will Write 'Em

On Books, Writers, Most Things Written, Including My Light Verse.

Archive for August 19th, 2012

Nicholson Baker’s “The Way the World Works”

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The essays in “Life” are mini-meditations on Baker’s life. In the allegorical “String,” Baker recalls the joy and challenge of flying a kite as a child and always wanting more from the kite, for it to fly higher. Baker plugs his phone-sex novel “Vox,” (1992) in a tiny and droll reminiscence on his fascination for the telephone; in another piece he makes treasure hunting at the dump sound thrilling.

Click the image below to read my review of Baker’s The Way the World Works in the August 19 edition of the St. Louis Post-Dispatch.

You can buy Nicholson Baker’s The Way the World Works at Barnes & Noble.

Written by Joe Peschel

August 19th, 2012 at 12:00 pm