Have Words–Will Write 'Em

On Books, Writers, Most Things Written, Including My Light Verse.

Archive for August 25th, 2013

I Review Rick Bass’s “All the Land to Hold Us.”

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There, men lust for and consume the desert’s treasures: salt, oil, water. Stones whisper secrets, elephants cry and dance, children cremate puppets in a funeral pyre, and sentinel-like skeletons hear music and possess a longing that hasn’t perished with their bodies. That harsh and lonely landscape, brilliant and searing, draws toward it treasure hunters, oilmen, and two pairs of lovers from different generations “as the eye of the needle of heaven is said to draw human souls.” Each searches for riches: oil, salt, fresh water, or romance; gold, glittering silica, human relics, or love. But no matter the treasure, no one seems fully satisfied; instead they hunger and consume.

Click the image below to read my review in the August 26 edition of the Boston Globe.

You can buy All the Land to Hold Us at Barnes & Noble.

Written by Joe Peschel

August 25th, 2013 at 9:34 pm