Archive for August, 2015
I Review Per Petterson’s “I Refuse”
I Refuse is a distressing and moving story involving attempted suicide and child abuse by a despot of a father. Its collateral subjects include despair and, to lesser extent, Christianity versus Socialism. References to Henrik Ibsen’s A Doll’s House help explain the abuse in Tommy Berggren’s family that drove Tya to leave; similarly, allusions to John Steinbeck’s novel The Moon Is Down help explain the Christianity-Socialism theme. Despite the inherent bumpiness of reading multiple viewpoint narratives, this story moves along at a nice and captivating pace, but a few narrative chinks and clunks muck up the surface.
You can read my review of Per Petterson’s I Refuse in the August 20 edition of The Daily Beast by clicking the image below.
You can buy Petterson’s I Refuse at Barnes and Noble.